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Iyanifa Faseye Ocan Iya Aña, Omi Yemaya, Eileen Gonzalez is a Clairvoyant Medium with a unique twist. She receives information through her clairvoyant psychic senses from spirits like most Mediums but offers something a bit more. After more than thirty years of working with her Spirit Guides, they gifted her a process in which they aid her in drawing pictures of loved ones who have passed over, along with individual’s ancestors and Spirit Guides.

Eileen offers various types of readings for clients. She offers Spirit Portrait Drawings and she offers Clairvoyant Mediumship Readings independently.  She also offers her popular Mini Reading with a Spirit Portrait Drawing, this mini reading includes a short message from spirit along with a drawing.

Clairvoyant Mediumship Readings

Eileen Gonzalez is a Clairvoyant Medium, sometimes called a Mental Medium. Even though her Spirit Portrait Drawings are a form of Channelling she receives information from Spirit through her Clairvoyant senses by hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, and even through a sense of spirits touching her.

Image of Clairvoyant Medium Eileen Casey Gonzalez sitting at a table doing a mediumship reading. She is wearing white, she has long dark hair and is holding an oracle card in her hand which she is looking at. She is sitting at a table with a red table cloth on it with reading cards, crystals, and a glass of water with a candle which she uses to see clairvoyant visions.

During a Mediumship Reading Eileen may use various tools to activate her Clairvoyant senses including scrying. Scrying is a method of gazing into objects used by mediums. Often Eileen may use oracle cards to scry with and may receive information from the spirit before a card is turned over. The written meaning of any oracle card she uses usually has little significance for her in reading as it is the words she is hearing and information she is sensing from Spirit that is important. It is that information that Eileen passes on to the client or the sitter in a Mediumship reading. With any Mediumship Reading, Eileen always works to bring through information to a person that is positive and helpful in life and always from a loving source.

To find out more about Clairvoyant senses you may enjoy this article called Different Types Of Mediums found here.

To read reviews on Eileen’s Readings please see the Reviews & Testimonials page on this site.

What Are Spirit Portrait Drawings

Sample of a Spirit Portrait Drawing by Edmonton Psychic Clairvoyant Medium Eileen Casey Gonzalez. The image is drawn in charcoal. It is an image of a military man wearing a bare' hat. He has a stick in his mouth and it looking up towards the left top corner of the page.

These are quickly drawn images of passed-over loved ones, ancestors, and Spirit Guides. They are produced through an automatic process of Eileen’s faculty of mediumship. Eileen calls these drawings Spirit Portrait Drawings, however, this type of drawing is also referred to as Spirit Drawings, Mediumship Drawings, Mediumship Art, or Spirit Art.

Eileen has not studied portrait drawing before the onset of this mediumship ability. The images produced are in no way of professional artist quality, they are drawn very fast, automatically, through her ability as a medium. She does not see the spirit as a clairvoyant which appears in her drawings, it is her spirits working through her that produce the Spirit Portrait Drawing, her spirit guides are the ones who see the spirit which shows up in the images. Eileen knows nothing of what the spirit looks like until the pictures are complete, they are a result of an uncommon form of Channeling.

For samples of Spirit Portrait Drawings with testimonials and reviews please see the Reviews & Testimonials page on this site.

Readings Information

No Nonsense Clairvoyant Readings

With any Mediumship Reading Eileen dedicates the time specified to be strictly for the Reading. She prefers not to “chit chat” or to give explanations on non-reading related matters. Eileen is always happy to share information that is related to Spiritualism if you have questions after a reading. When it comes to an appointment with Spirit for a client that for her is time for the work at hand and she prefers to speak on the topic after the allotted time with Spirit during a reading.

Readings Available Online Using The Zoom Application & Over The Phone From Edmonton

Eileen completes readings over the phone, and online by appointment. She is available for special events and parties with the use of Zoom.

A “Mini Spiritualist Medium Message And A Spirit Portrait Drawing” may be provided through email or online through Zoom. This includes a Spirit Portrait Drawing and a short message that Eileen receives after the drawing of the Spirit. Eileen then photographs the drawing and types out the spirit’s message to be forward.

For a reading please contact her for information by email at

Suggested Reading Donations

Eileen works by donation, all of Eileen’s readings below are suggested donation amounts listed in Canadian currency.

Clairvoyant/Mediumship Readings
30-Minutes –  Suggested Donation $121 CND

15-Minute Clairvoyant/Mediumship Readings – Suggested Donation $77 CND

Spirit Portrait Drawing With 30 Minute Clairvoyant/Mediumship Reading – Suggested Donation $121 CND

Spirit Portrait Drawing With Mini Clairvoyant/Mediumship Reading, With Mini Spiritualist Medium Message – Suggested Donation $77 CND

Note: All readings are for one individual. Spirit Portrait Drawings are photographed and sent electronically.
All Spirit Portrait Drawings are on sketch pad paper and may be in graphite or charcoal.

How to send Donations

Donations may be sent through Paypal or by Interact Bank Transfer using the email address

Preparing For A Reading

Eileen suggests that if you have questions to ask during your reading that you prepare them beforehand. For all readings, you need to have the “Zoom” application on the device you are using for your reading. With questions, Eileen asks that you only give her general information such as the aspect of life you may be seeking information on, and that you DO NOT give her details. This is as she wishes to bring forward messages from the spirit without bias from any information you may unknowingly provide. If you do not have specific questions Eileen will then focus on a general reading for you. With any Spiritualist Mediumship reading Eileen will seek answers from spirit for your questions during your allotted time period.

Reading Opening & Closing

With all readings will Eileen customarily opens with a short prayer. At the end of a reading Eileen may choose to close with prayer again. This is to give thanks to all who have participated in the reading in bringing forward helpful and useful information.

Unfortunately, There Are No Guarantees With Spirits

No creditable medium can guarantee that they can bring forward messages from a specific spirit at any time. There are a multitude of reasons why this is and this is too much information to go into on this page. With any Spiritualist Mediumship Reading Eileen will do her best for you to bring through messages from your loved ones.

To aid Eileen with the process of your reading, she requests that before reading you think about the person in spirit whom you wish to hear from. Perhaps make a request for help from your own spirit guides or helpers, angels, or higher power, to help with the desired communication. You can ask for help from your loved one to come forward in your reading ahead of time. If it is possible for the spirit to come forward in your reading this can aid the process. If it is not possible during the reading please be aware there are many reasons why this may be so at any given time. Likewise, she requests that you think about the area of life in which you may be seeking spiritual guidance on.

Health Is Not A Topic For Mediums

Image which says "First Do No Harm" then there is a red symbol that crosses over the words Psychic, Medium, Health, Readings.

Your health is a topic to be discussed with a professional healthcare provider. If a medium is not a health care professional who can legally diagnose or prescribe, then they may not do so by law. As an Ordained Minister with the Spiritual Science Fellowship of Canada and a teacher of mediumship, Eileen does not diagnose or prescribe any health condition.

Human beings are impressionable. Due to this a professional and trained medium always works to bring forward information in a way that first does NO HARM. Giving any negative information about a person’s life in a reading can not only affect them, but it can also ruin a life. Once someone has been told something negative is going to occur, it seems that the words may never be unheard. Human beings tend to have an ability to bring about self-fulfilling prophecies. Trained mediums recognize this and thus always work with their spirit helpers to never cause any potential harm.

With Booking Any Reading You Agree To & Understand The Policies Found On This Website

By booking any reading with Eileen Casey Gonzalez you are stating you have read, understand and agree to this website’s policies found on the Website Policies Page.

Interested in a reading with Eileen?  Contact her at

image of two doves in flight facing each other, they are holding a sunflower in their beaks together with its cut stem.